Magic Spell
Generated Diagram
Preparing all the things...
Magic Spell
Generated Diagram
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Chart Mage is a tool for drawing sequence diagrams and flowcharts based on a simple syntax, in a similar manner as markdown.
Chart Mage was created by Junlin Shang.
Many thanks to the cool projects mermaid, Codemirror, Underscore, node-uuid, jQuery Modal, base16. Chart Mage was made possible by them.
If you have any thought about Chart Mage, feel free to contact me.
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((Enclosing text with double parenthesis))
Just type the text
Would you please leave a question mark at the end?
- some text ->>
-- some text -->>
subgraph title
graph definition
You don't have to include the participant lines. But by doing so you can explicitly specify the actor's order of appearance.
participant Alice
[Actor][Arrow][Actor]: Message Text
Alice ->>+ John: Activate
John -->>- Alice: Dedicated
loop Loop Title
Alice ->> John: How you doing?
John -->> Alice: Fine. How you doing?
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
alt is sick
John->>Alice: Not so good :(
else is well
John->>Alice: Feeling fresh like a daisy
opt Extra response
John->>Alice: Thanks for asking
You can add notes by the notation:
Note [ right of | left of | over ] [Actor]: Text in note content
Note right of John: Text in note
You can also create notes spanning two participants:
Note over Alice, John: Text in note